How Long Do Squirrels Live?

Squirrels are fascinating creatures that can be found in forests, parks, and even urban areas across the world. Known for their bushy tails and quick movements, many people wonder: how long do squirrels live? The answer depends on several factors, including their species, environment, and whether they are living in the wild or under human care. In this blog, we will explore the lifespan of squirrels, the factors that influence their longevity, and how they adapt to their surroundings.

Lifespan of Different Squirrel Species

The lifespan of a squirrel varies greatly depending on the species. The most common types of squirrels—tree squirrels, ground squirrels, and flying squirrels—each have different life expectancies.

  1. Tree Squirrels: Tree squirrels, like the Eastern gray squirrel, are one of the most well-known squirrel species. In the wild, they typically live between 6 and 12 years. However, their lifespan is often cut short by predators, accidents, and harsh weather conditions. In controlled environments, such as a sanctuary or as pets, they can live up to 10 years or more if properly cared for.

  2. Ground Squirrels: Ground squirrels, which live in burrows and are commonly found in grassy or desert areas, generally have a shorter lifespan. In the wild, they usually live 3 to 6 years. Their life expectancy is heavily impacted by predators such as birds of prey, snakes, and even domestic animals. However, ground squirrels that are well protected in captivity can live a bit longer.

  3. Flying Squirrels: Flying squirrels, which are known for their ability to glide, tend to have slightly shorter lives compared to tree squirrels. In the wild, their average lifespan is about 5 to 10 years. However, just like tree squirrels, they face the constant threat of predators and accidents, which can shorten their lives.

Factors Influencing Squirrel Lifespan

While the species plays a significant role in determining a squirrel's lifespan, other factors can influence how long they live. These include:

  1. Predators: Squirrels face many natural predators, including hawks, owls, foxes, raccoons, and even domestic cats and dogs. These threats are one of the main reasons squirrels in the wild typically live shorter lives than those in captivity.

  2. Food and Habitat: The availability of food and the quality of the habitat also affect a squirrel's lifespan. A squirrel living in an area with abundant food sources and limited competition will generally live longer than one in a sparse or overcrowded environment. Similarly, squirrels that have access to safe places for shelter and nesting will have a better chance of surviving.

  3. Disease and Accidents: Squirrels are susceptible to a range of diseases, including parasites, fungal infections, and respiratory illnesses. Additionally, accidents, such as being hit by cars or falling from great heights, can drastically reduce their life expectancy.

  4. Human Interaction: While some squirrels live in urban areas and adapt well to human presence, others may struggle with the challenges of living near humans. Squirrels in cities may face dangers like traffic, poisoned food, or habitat destruction. In contrast, squirrels in more natural environments often have fewer risks associated with human activity.

Squirrel Lifespan in Captivity

Squirrels that are kept as pets or reside in wildlife sanctuaries tend to live much longer than those in the wild. In these environments, they are provided with regular food, protection from predators, and veterinary care. As a result, squirrels in captivity can live anywhere from 10 to 20 years, depending on the species and the care they receive. However, keeping a squirrel as a pet requires specialized care, as they have complex dietary and social needs.


In summary, the lifespan of a squirrel depends on the species and the environment in which it lives. While squirrels in the wild often live only a few years due to predators, accidents, and disease, those in captivity can enjoy significantly longer lives. Understanding the factors that influence their longevity can help us appreciate these small but resilient creatures even more. Whether they are scampering through trees or gliding through the air, squirrels continue to fascinate us with their adaptability and survival instincts.


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